TBS Powercube/FPVision not compatible with BetaFlight 3.2.1 ? No OSD/other functions.

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I’m running the TBS Powercube 2in1 FPVision (includes Colibri v2 FC).  Recently I upgraded to BF 3.2.1 and noticed I lost functionality to enter the OSD menu, Arm switch notification, flight modes no longer appeared on OSD, and no longer received battery drain info either.

I tried to run the RC Calibration on the cube as if it were a new build, but I get an error “No RC receiver unit or FC detected, power cycle and try again”

Am I guessing correctly that we are at the mercy of TBS to update their TBS Agent software so that the Powercube is BF 3.2.1 compatible?  Any other work around ideas?

Anonymous 0 Comments

Hello Flowst8, Thank you for your question.

At this point the issue does seem to be a TBS issue with the latest betaflight update. We are paying close attention to this and we have been informed that they are actively working on a fix for this issue

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