Betaflight and cam

3.06K viewsbeta flight

I’m building a qq166 using a mglrc xjb f428-tx2o. After finishing the solder work I wanted to check the cam before putting it together. After powering it up the TX  changes channels and power setting but I can’t find anything on my goggles. My question is does betaflight have to be loaded first since the cam and TX is running through the fc for osd? Any help will be appreciated

Thank you

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Is it possible to verify that the channel that you are broadcasting is the same channel that your Receiver is set to?  Do you have any black channels on your googles?

I know this is a silly question, but is the lens cap removed from the camera?

Can you verify that your camera is powered on properly, with the correct voltage?

Lots of reports have been coming in of problems with Omnibus F4 boards, can you test your config directly without going through the Flight Controller?

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