Solved11.96K viewsOSD

I picked up a Skyline 32 FCU (Naze 32 clone) and the manufacture did not put a dedicated RX/TX pins for OSD. I plan to use CH1 for CPPM and CH6 for D4RII Telemetry for the Taranis.
Question I have is, since I am not using a GPS can I configure Pins 3 & 4 to transmit Telemetry to the OSD??  Or can I use soft serial 2 on pin 7 and 8 to send Telemetry to my OSD and Soft serial 1 on pin 6 to send telemetry to my D4RII at the same time.   Link to skyline 32 manual

Thank you

Anonymous 1 Comment

First and foremost, is there a reason that you decided to purchase a clone instead of a real Naze32?  Purchasing official hardware directly supports the innovators that make this hobby possible.  Purchasing cloned hardware only supports ripping off others.  Furthermore, you aren’t guaranteed that the quality of the components on the cloned hardware is going to work the same as the original.

You might be able to setup your board in cleanflight to output Multiwii serial protocol on the UART2 port, or, if that doesn’t work, you could use soft serial and then configure your soft serial port to work with your OSD.

If we were working with a Naze32, it would be easily possible to output serial data on the 2nd UART port (pins 3&4) or over soft serial 1 (pins 5&6) and soft serial 2 (pins 7&8)  You would simply have to enable soft serial and then setup your port outputs to output the information that your OSD requires.

I own several Naze32’s, none clone versions and don’t have to be schooled on purchasing official hardware. The skyline is a thin FCU not using header pins which is the only FCU that will fit in my Firefly 3D printed quad.

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