TBS Powercube/FPVision not compatible with BetaFlight 3.2.1 ? No OSD/other functions.

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I’m running the TBS Powercube 2in1 FPVision (includes Colibri v2 FC).  Recently I upgraded to BF 3.2.1 and noticed I lost functionality to enter the OSD menu, Arm switch notification, flight modes no longer appeared on OSD, and no longer received battery drain info either.

I tried to run the RC Calibration on the cube as if it were a new build, but I get an error “No RC receiver unit or FC detected, power cycle and try again”

Am I guessing correctly that we are at the mercy of TBS to update their TBS Agent software so that the Powercube is BF 3.2.1 compatible?  Any other work around ideas?

Anonymous 0 Comments

The latest from TBS Support,

Hi Matt,

Per our engineer, TBS official firmware is 3.1.7. We suggest to please stick to TBS official firmware releases.

There were some people who were able to make it work with BF 3.2.0, please check here.

Additionally, there will be a fix releasing very soon for this.

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