What drone and headset to get?


i’m super new to this, so forgive me if this is obvious but I’ve got about 25 hours in a sim but have yet to fly in real life. I’ve got the TBS Tango crossfire controller and now looking at getting the Armattan Marmotte drone and then linking with the DJI system and goggles. So the question is, is this all compatible and sound like a good set up?

thank you!

Henry Answered question February 21, 2021
Anonymous 0 Comments

Hi Henry, Thanks for asking this question!  This setup sounds pretty good.  The thing about the DJI system is that it is a digital system, and the majority of FPV systems on the market are analog.  You would need to make sure to order the Armattan Marmotte DJI version found here: https://armattanquads.com/marmotte-5-dji-edition-with-toa-2306-1750kv-motors-ready-to-ship/

When selecting the receiver, you would want to make sure that the receiver is compatable with your Tango’s transmitter.

Good luck!

Anonymous Answered question February 21, 2021

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