Need more Channels for gimbal and retracts on naza lite upgraded to naza m v2.

3.30K viewsRadiofrsky gimbal naza

Can I get more than 8 channels from the d8R-XP by using Cppm and then using the other open channels for pwm outputs??

Anonymous edited question July 25, 2016

You would have to use SBUS to get more than 8 channels.  The D8R-XP only outputs PPM and therefore is only good up to about 8 channels.

The PWM outputs will mirror the PPM outputs so you will not get more than 8 Channels with the D8R-XP

You could run dual receivers to get 16ppm channels, or upgrade to an SBUS style receiver such as the X8R

Anonymous edited answer July 25, 2016

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