QQ190 RTF Upgraded Camera Settings

2.81K viewsQQ190 RTF Ready to Fly Racing Drone

I have been using the upgraded camera for a few weeks now. It’s light-handling was pretty awful with the stock settings. However, it’s great that you can control all of the camera settings via the OSD and I have found that the settings in this blog post will enable me to fly in a very broad range of lighting conditions http://imsundee.com/blog/2016/01/28/hs1177-and-pz0240-camera-settings/. Do you have any recommendations for anything that would improve on these settings? Here is me using these settings as I was getting warmed up for a race https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TdhLBVgIrW4&t=106s. It was my first time flying in the advanced MultiGP category. I felt good about finishing 11th out of 21 with 12 laps completed. The QQ190 even survived a pretty rough hit from another drone and I was still able to make 3 laps with a bent prop.

I flew a lot of packs yesterday with my Blade Vortex 250 Pro that still has the stock FatShark 700TVL WDR CMOS V2 Camera and I could not see the gates clearly until I was close to them. I’m now certain that the upgraded QQ190 camera is considerably better than the Vortex camera.

Good to hear, Yeah we really wanted to go with a good camera for the QQ190 Upgrade. I will poll our Beta Testers to see if they have any suggested settings and repost here.

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We recommend trying Team Pilot Holly Kreie‘s settings!

Image adj: Lens Shad = on, Display = LCD,
Day&Night = Color, White Bal. = ATW1,
Backlight = BLC,
Exposure: DWDR = On

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