QQ190 with TBS Bulletproof 25A

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I’ve just noticed arm width on the QQ190 is 14.5mm. I’ve ordered TBS Bulletproof 25A, which are 17mm. So I’m looking at and overhang of 1.25mm on each side. Do you think this will be a problem?

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Besides a minor annoyance, I don’t think it will be an issue.  We had several QQ190s run them without issue, and I can even tell you that this frame was one of the originals used for the testing of the ESCs when they were in development.  Our favorite setup was the power cube elite, bulletproof escs, and ZMX Fusion 2204 2300kv motors.

We designed the 190 to fit common ESC widths, and the bulletproof escs are a little wider than most.

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